Wednesday, October 30, 2013

American Rugby Union League

American Rugby Union League

Rugby grew popularity inside schools in England. Since Webb Ellis played inside the confined lines on the field of the school yard that made the sport a popular competition amongst surround schools. The students grew out of the school yards and into communities of rugby teams. A union formed of many teams across England to establish a fair association of play. Rugby is a dangerous game for a working man. Injuries from playing and missing work leaned teams to pay their players for damages the game caused. The teams inside the “rugby union” agreed to fair competition. Teams are not allowed to pay the players under any circumstances. Rugby will only be an amateur sport.

A different form of rugby was established to compensate their players and change a few rule to eliminate some of the dangers of “union rugby” and easier on the body. This style of rugby was called “league rugby”. League rugby currently has thirteen teams existing in England and one in France in a season called, “Super League” consisting of the top performance league team in Europe.

Today the sport of rugby is the 3rd largest sport in the world, just not in North America. Football is a money making business that adapted away from American rugby in 1906 to establish rules and regulate safety inside universities. Today rugby has developed into a safer game than American football.

With a larger fan base overseas and being the fastest growing sport in the United States. Rugby can establish a (ARL) American Rugby League. It is time for an American product of rugby to the American market adapting NFL methods. Paying players to play the game to create a money making business.

The NFL is capitalizing on their revenues with T.V. Contracts, stadium ticket revenue and merchandise with branding. Paying high performance athletes will bring in an audience.

“Build it and they will come”

Twitter: @hawkeyerugby
Google+ MichaelKlostermannIowa

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